Intrastat Reporting for Lithuania

por Lithuanian Dynamics Partners

Lithuanian localization for Intrastat reporting in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Localization extension allows to create Intrastat report according Lithuanian Republic requirements.

Customization for Lithuania

· Possibility to include transportation costs in invoiced and statistical amount.

· Possibility to include transportation costs only in statistical amount.

· Possibility to include transportation costs in invoiced amount and not include in statistical amount.

· Possibility to use additional units of measurement (there is a requirement for some of tariff numbers).


· Possibility to assign default operation type and transport method to vendor/customer card.

· Possibility to setup which fields should be mandatory for intrastat transactions. This helps to have all necessary data for intrastat reports.

· Possibility to assign intrastat information in purchase/sales document: Tarif no., Net Weight or Country/Region of origin.

· Possibility to exclude item from Intrastat.

Supported Editions: The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden.

Supported Languages: This app is available in Lithuanian.

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